Decentralized Journalism

what if the news were run by the people?


The Fourth Estate as we know it is vanishing. Advertising dollars, fake news and powerful agendas are manipulating what we see and what we think we know. Our freedom, justice and even democracy are at risk. We’ve never been more divided.

At Civil, we believe the certainty and transparency of blockchain technology can offer a radical new way forward. With open governance and cryptoeconomics, we can create a sustainable place for local, policy and investigative journalism while achieving a high standard for accuracy and trustworthiness. Decentralization is the key to a free and independent press. Let’s begin.

Take back control of the news. Find newsrooms that deepen your understanding and go beyond the headlines. Purchase CVL tokens to sponsor journalism that matters most to you in a platform owned by all.

Find Newsrooms Discover a wide range of news, including local, policy and investigative reporting. There’s no limit to what journalism you can support.

Go Beyond the Headlines Understand who wrote the story by viewing their connections, sources and sponsors for clarity and in-depth knowledge.

Sponsor Journalism Forget subscriptions. Backing newsmakers on Civil means sharing in their future success.

Owned by All No advertisers and no revenue splits, just a direct relationship between citizens and newsmakers.

This is the future on your terms. Start a newsroom, collaborate with others and publish great journalism. Get paid directly by the people affected by your reporting.

Start a Newsroom Define your mission, build your team and grow your own news business.

Collaborate Create a seamless workflow and simple agreements among reporters, editors, photographers, fact-checkers and other newsmakers to get great work done.

Publish Draft, edit and publish on the Civil platform and distribute both in-and-out of the Civil ecosystem to easily share with your professional and social networks.

Get Paid Cash out CVL tokens to pay your rent or fill up the car, or hold them in order to benefit from the ecosystem’s long-term growth.

Transparent sourcing and media literacy tips give you the tools needed to interpret the news.

Clear and transparent scores show how well newsmakers adhere to our accuracy standards and journalistic ethics.

Our recommendation engine breaks down echo chambers by showing you diverse perspectives on the news.

In addition to newsroom sponsorships, journalists may earn microtips directly from readers for great work.

Newsmakers may harness the power of the crowd in bolstering claims and verifying facts, while designated officers transparently resolve disputes.

Civil makes it easy to form new working relationships. Use smart contracts to create secure relationships with other newsmakers, newsrooms and more.

Transparent sourcing and media literacy tips give you the tools needed to interpret the news.

Clear and transparent scores show how well newsmakers adhere to our accuracy standards and journalistic ethics.

Our recommendation engine breaks down echo chambers by showing you diverse perspectives on the news.

In addition to newsroom sponsorships, journalists may earn microtips directly from readers for great work.

Newsmakers may harness the power of the crowd in bolstering claims and verifying facts, while designated officers transparently resolve disputes.

Civil makes it easy to form new working relationships. Use smart contracts to create secure relationships with other newsmakers, newsrooms and more.

Sustainable newsmaking backed by ethical AI, smart contract collaboration and crypto-sponsorships provide insight into what influences the news. An entirely new way to create, distribute and fund journalism.

Civil has raised $1 million for its First Fleet, a diverse group of forward-thinking newsrooms that serve as our foundation. Outstanding applicants receive a grant comprised of cash and CVL tokens.

Los Angeles. Journalist, editor, entrepreneur. Bylines include The New Yorker, The Awl, Harper’s, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Guardian, Times Literary Supplement.

Oakland. Editor, writer. Bylines include The New Yorker, The New Republic, The Nation, Pacific Standard. Formerly editor at The New Inquiry. Ph.D. in African Literature.

Nevada City. Editor, novelist, essayist, journalist. Bylines include New York Times, The New Yorker, The Los Angeles Times, New York Magazine, The Walrus, Longreads, Eater, The Awl.

Maine. Editor, writer. Bylines include Pacific Standard, The Los Angeles Times, Eater, The New York Times Magazine.

Los Angeles. Cartoonist, author. Bylines include The New York Times, The Paris Review, SpongeBob Comics. Creator of Spaniel Rage and Make Me A Woman. 2017 recipient, Paris Review Terry Southern Prize.

Los Angeles. Editor, writer. Bylines include Popular Science, The New Yorker, The Awl, The New York Times Magazine. Formerly senior editor at Fortune. 2017 National Magazine Award nominee.

Los Angeles. Cartoonist, author. Bylines include Kramers Ergot, Los Angeles Review of Books, Seven Stories Press, Playboy, Maximum Rocknroll. Author of Mine Tonight and The Hot Breath of War.

Brooklyn. Editor, writer, musician. Bylines include The Village Voice, The New Yorker, Bookforum, Pretty Decorating, Spin, The Guardian.

An alternative news and culture publication bringing international perspectives to local cuture. Written for those naturally skeptical of institutions and authorities; filling the void left by the collapse of alt-media in the digital age.

Grassroots, sympathetic reporting from hard-hit communities combined with policy and science coverage from Washington D.C. to Big Pharma headquarters.

In-depth coverage from one of America’s fastest growing cities in the nation’s fastest growing state. A bustling tech hub, dynamic political battleground and thriving food/music/arts scene.

A daily alternative to the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times, offering everything a newspaper used to provide but no longer does. A mix of neighborhood news, business coverage, arts criticism, regional reports and headline news analysis involving City Hall. Get more than just the when, where and how, get the why.

A look at disruptive fintech startups, ideas and policy issues featuring interviews with founders, investors and regulators to explore the opportunities and challenges ahead.

An alternative news and culture publication bringing international perspectives to local cuture. Written for those naturally skeptical of institutions and authorities; filling the void left by the collapse of alt-media in the digital age.

Grassroots, sympathetic reporting from hard-hit communities combined with policy and science coverage from Washington D.C. to Big Pharma headquarters.

In-depth coverage from one of America’s fastest growing cities in the nation’s fastest growing state. A bustling tech hub, dynamic political battleground and thriving food/music/arts scene.

A daily alternative to the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times, offering everything a newspaper used to provide but no longer does. A mix of neighborhood news, business coverage, arts criticism, regional reports and headline news analysis involving City Hall. Get more than just the when, where and how, get the why.

A look at disruptive fintech startups, ideas and policy issues featuring interviews with founders, investors and regulators to explore the opportunities and challenges ahead.

Join our growing community of
citizens and newsmakers

ConsenSys, Old Town, CoinFund, Twin, Decentralized Legal, Klaris Law.

Originally published at



Priyadarshi Tripathy | HUMAN | DAD | BELIEVER

@SoloArtist. Innovation Enthusiast. Digital Intrapreneur. Reluctant Writer. Foodie. Movie Buff. UV's dad. Happy to connect and collaborate.